Monday, August 26, 2013

Started my walking regime back this morning. There is a park at the end of Main Street with a walking track, so I walked down there and around the track 3 times and back. Then I put shelves together for the laundry room. I then cleaned off the kitchen counters (put the coffee maker, toaster and toaster oven on the shelves). Now to open some more boxes........It was ~70° when I did my walking. Fabulous morning.

Wednesday, August 21, 2013

It has been a while since my last post, but a lot has been accomplished. I have moved and the other house is EMPTY, the carpets have been cleaned and it looks so much better. Now to find a buyer.

The new house is a wreck, there are boxes everywhere. I am trying to organize as I unpack and it is much harder than it sounds. If I think I will need it again, it is piled on the coffee table. So this week, I have decided to clean the area I am living in and to put things away and file papers where they should be filed. I shall NEVER move again unless it is to the nursing home or the grave........

Have a great day and sew something...
