Saturday, September 7, 2013

I am still opening boxes, but I found this beautiful swag light on Ebay and it is perfect for the back hall.

I also found the food processor base this morning on a shelf in the garage. Don't ask me how it got there, I sure don't know, but it gives me hope in finding the long arm computer (I have a replacement, but it just bothers me that I can't find it). I have about 3 small boxes left in the living room (although the floor is covered with stuff that I have no idea where to put any of it). I have started opening the boxes in the dining room. My goal now is to empty all the boxes (even if I don't put the stuff in them anywhere but on the floor). This way I can get rid of all the empties and at least feel like I have accomplished something. I watched a couple of episodes of Hoarders today and started making stacks of stuff to get rid of. I have quilting magazines from the 90s........seriously. And some of my books are for beginners and need to find a new home.

I have good friends who have his grandmother's kitchen table which is stored in their garage. You remember the chrome legs and it has a yellow top with matching vinyl chairs. It is the little one too, in great condition, which is exactly what I need and the right color. I am swapping my wooden table and chairs for it that is about 35 years old. I will post a photo after we make the exchange.

1 comment:

  1. Pretty pretty lamp. Your home is starting to take shape. Almost there.
