Friday, January 11, 2013

Yesterday I said goodbye to my little sports car. I bought it from my sister-in-law in 2005. It was an SLK230 hardtop convertible. My friend Kathleen had the biggest smile you have ever seen when she took it out for a test drive. I am so happy it went to a friend. I think I am going for a new phase in life. I still have my motorcycle, but I am becoming more practical as I age. I bought a new Prius and I love it. I traded in the old minivan that was starting to come apart since there was no room in the garage for it and I have no shade in my yard. The temperature this year went as high as 113°F which is really bad for a car that has to sit in the sun, so there was no way I was going to park the SLK or the Prious outside (the Honda Trike and trailer fill one bay of the garage). So I now only have one car for the first time in my life. It feels kinda weird, but I am sure I will survive.

To celebrate, I order 3 bolts of fabric yesterday just cause it was pretty, although one was a 20 yard bolt of black (I put black in just about everything) and consider that a practical purchase. My UPS guy can't figure out all these packages. Now to order some batting.......he should like that one.

Spending this weekend in Charleston. On Saturday I have an 8 hour meeting for Gwrra and then Sunday we are just going to bum around. The weather is supposed to be over 70°F in South Carolina this weekend. Ya'll have a great one.

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